例句:Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find the possible routes that minimise the driving time from Ato H.
route inspection algorithm
例句:The route inspection algorithm is applied to the network in Figure 3 and the time takenfor the route is 162 minutes.
nearest neighbour algorithm
例句:Starting at A , use the nearest neighbour algorithm to obtain an upper bound for thedistance Ferhana must travel.
例句:Write down the route that gives this upper bound.
例句:Complete the precedence table in the answer book.
例句:Explain the significance of the dummy activity from event 2 to event 3.
例句:The duration of activity H changes to x hours.
例句:The total float on activity D is twice the total float on activity E.
例句: Given that K is a critical activity, state which other activities must also be critical.
例句:Given that all critical paths for the network include activity H, state which activitiescannot be critical.
例句: Draw a cascade (Gantt) chart for this project on Grid 1 in the answer book.
例句:Diagram 2 in the answer book shows a partly completed scheduling diagram for thisproject.
例句:The graph in Figure 2 is being used to solve a linear programming problem in x andy.
例句:Show that y> 2x and write down and simplify two further constraints on the values of xand y.
例句:Find the exact coordinates of the vertices of the feasible region.
例句:The objective function, P , iere a and b are positive constants.
objective line (ruler) method
例句:Use the objective line (ruler) method to find the optimal vertex, V, of the feasible region.
例句:Given that an integer solution is required, determine the optimal solution for the originalproblem in x , y and z and state the corresponding value of P.

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