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Have automobiles improved modern life?


Sample 1

Since the first automobile was introduced to our life, there are a lot of changes happened around us. As a modern

transportation, it not only brings convenience to our daily life, but also enhances the efficiency.

One of advantages of using automobiles is that it can give the users much more convenience compared with other transportations, such as bikes or buss. For me, I like to go to the supermarket once per week and normally buy many foods at one time. Can you imagine that I need to carry a lot of foodstuff and maybe take a crowded bus to reach home? How inconvenient it is! Suppose that I have a car, and then I will feel very easy because what I need to do is to put all my stuf at the back of the car. I can go back with nice music and happy mood for the shopping.

On the other hand, automobiles can save our time and energy. Driving the automobile, we can go wherever we want to go.' We can decide the destination and reach there faster than other transportation means. Assuming that a train takes about two hours to reach Suzhou from Shanghai, but a car only needs about one hour. We can use the saved one hour to enjoy the views or do anything that we want. After all, time means a lot to modern people. It can mean money to businessmen, knowledge to school students and profit to companies. By means of cutting time with the help  automobiles, we can in- crease the efficiency of our society.

Of course, I must adm it that automobiles bring a lot of problems such as traffic jam and air pollution. But these outcomes cannot be avoided during the development of a society. I believe we will have a better solution to solve all these problems.

Generally speaking. I would like to say automobiles have improved moderm life through providing more convenience to people and increasing efficiency. We should en- courage the society to support the automobile industry and develop different kinds of automobiles to meet various needs.

Sample 2

When Henry Ford manufactured the first automobile, he didn't realize how he would affect our life. Now expanding road systems and thousands of automobiles are playing an important role in our society. But every thing has two aspects.Some people think that the automobile has improved modern life. Others think that the automobile has caused serious problems.

The automobile has a very close relation with industrialization. It is a part of industry itself. Industrialization is a symbol of a modern society. Automobiles carry all kinds of goods and people from one place to another. They function as human's blood. W ithout automobiles our country would return to a completely agricultural society. No one likes to live without modern conveniences such as electricity, cars and so on. It is sure that the automobile brings convenience.

But automobiles also bring some troubles. Each year many people are injured in traffic accidents. Another serious problem is pollution. Thousands running automobiles emit poisonous smokes. Their motors and sirens give out deafening sound. All these are harmful to our environment.

How can we deal with it? Stop using automobiles? It is not realistic. We should design better automobiles. It gives off less gas and runs more quietly. We should build wider roads and obey traffic rules. All problems are cause by human beings. We certainly can resolve them by our- selves.

Sample 3

It is awellestablished fact that automobiles have contributed to the moderm life in a favorable way. Automobiles improved different aspects of the human life, but, on the other face of the coin, cars have their crucial impacts upon our life. It is our tum to minimize these defects and galvanize other favorable sides. Hereinafter, I will present and analyze this issue and provide a personal perspective.

The automobile is considered amongst the most beneficial inventions that ever existed. These means of transportation provide unprecedented mobility, flexibility, and privacy. Cars have abridged the travel time among distant locations and provided a self- scheduled means of transportation. A car user is not obliged to obey any predetermined departure and arrival schedules, barring engine check and fuel flling.

Moreover, the car represents an elastic means of freight transportation. Automobiles allowed more goods and products to reach remote areas or locations that lie far from public transient system. Also, this rendered products less prices based on less transportation cost as well as more pervas iveness.

Admittedly, services like mail and tourism benefited intimately from the automobiles. Taxi added to the diversity of flexible and on-order mean of transportation. Also, special services like home delivery could have been too slow or even not existing without cars. Adds to the favor that many are interested in racing or rallies that represent car-based sports.

On the other side of the fence, automobiles contributed to the aggravating environmental conflicts. Car exhausts that contain com pounds like carbon monoxide dioxide, nitrous and sulphoricions threaten the public health as well as the env ironment. Phenomena like acidic rains and green house effect more or less are correlated to auto- mobiles exhausts. Moreover, automobiles are considered expensive mean of transportation, especially with their close relation to roads and asphalt industry.

Another disadvantage is the intruding of some new habits like car captivity. It was found that some persons are biased to car usage even if it is more expensive, slower, or liable for traffic problems. Car captivity is considered intimately related to obesity and heart diseases. Moreover, increasing car ownership introduced traffic conflicts like congestions and delays.Imprudent driving habits leads the way for fatal car accidents, and it is extremely impressive to know that accidents victims exceeds the num ber of second war casualties.

Ultimately, automobile, is a double-bladed weapon. Alleviating automobiles disadvantages like producing cleaner fuel,unleaded petroleum, natural gas, or even electrically driven engines as well as improving the public transportation system should absorb these impairments. We must also anneal the merits by introducing articulate trafic control systems,improving the quality of pavements and other favorable aspects.


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