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Has technology made children less creative than they were in the past?


It is sorrowful but true that humans are excessively reliant on computers in the modern world. Science and technology are developing at a remarkable speed that our ancient ancestors might never have foreseen. Children have obtained access to diversified advanced tools at very early ages, which differs considerably from the past when human power played the major role in the construction of society. Creativity, in fact, is a quality that requires the brain to work fully with rich imagination and original ideas. How could young children become creative in an age when computers handle almost everything for them? Therefore, to a degree, technology has undermined children's creativity nowadays.  

First of all, reliance on technology delays children's development of mind. By contrast, children in the past were given broader choices to face the world with their own brain. In reality, the process of solving a problem independently is the best way to exercise the brain. It is essential to give children enough room to accumulate knowledge and put it into practice totally on their own. Unfortunately, numerous types of electronic products are in the possession of young children. Whenever there is a certain task to be performed, turning to the computer for help seems to be their first choice. In their eyes, technology has advanced to such a large extent that there is no need to use their own brain to overcome difficulties. We may quote the research conducted in order to discover if children are doing homework with technological assistance: among the 100 parents who were interviewed, over 90% of them admitted the fact that their children could never do without using computers or other electronic tools. 

In addition, obsessed with computer games, children are gradually becoming slaves under the control of the predesigned game modes. As a matter of fact, it is not only a waste of time, but may also considerably mislead children mentally. To further validate this point, I would emphasize the possibility that mistaken information might be included in some computer-based games. Admittedly, playing games is a most effective way to train a child's creativity. But these games should be designed carefully and scientifically. Comparatively speaking, children benefit more from the traditional forms of games like "spider battle," which have nothing to do with technology.  

Indeed, many other elements contribute to the cultivation of children's creativity. For example, they are more likely to use their imagination while drawing a picture with colored pencils in the open air. Besides, reading fairy tales and listening to stories told by their parents also accelerate their pace toward creativity. Person-to-person interactions are important to stimulate children's fresh ideas and spark inspiration in and from partners. Parents should also help children adopt good hobbies and interests. These methods do not merely add to children's storage of life experience, but also help them build far-reaching insight and train them to employ common sense and see things with their own eyes. With this regard, the use of technology should be limited during one's childhood.  

In sum, modern technology has delayed children's mental development and made them less creative than before. The ability to be imaginative and creative is much confined inside a technology-dominated environment. 

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发布日期:2023-02-02 | 标签: 
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