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Does telephone have greater influence on people's lives than TV?
As two dominant inventions in human history, both the telephone and the TV are indispensable tools in people's daily lives. Almost every household has installed a TV set and a telephone. Ample amounts of information are spread through TV , information that can be both educational and recreational. Likewise, the telephone has made communication more convenient than ever. On the busy streets, many pedestrians are seen holding a cell phone in their hands. Nonetheless,due to the prevalence of the Internet, the influence of television has been lessened. As a result, the telephone has indeed become more influential nowadays.
To begin with, the telephone allows instant communication between people. Just like an Invisible bridge, signals sent back and forth from the caller to the receiver are connecting people wherever they are. With the simple dialing of numbers, a person is blessed with the opportunity to speak to a friend far away and hear his voice directly through the telephone. This form of communication i s dramatically significant, for the messages delivered during the course of a phone call may be critical and urgent. It is due to such a magical power that the telephone makes itself a most reliable tool to assist mutual contacts among people, especially in moments of emergency or other important situations. Thus, the telephone is far more practical and useful than TV. For instance, when residents are trapped in an elevator between two floors, making a call can save them from danger.
In addition, the multifunctional and intellectual nature of modern telephones have added to their usefulness to people's lives. Cell phones manufactured today, for instance, have been made as smart as a micro-computer or a versatile portable device. They have progressed far beyond the fundamental making of phone calls and sending of short messages. Users are able to browse websites online via cell phones and download different types of utility software, like dictionaries,electric torches, chatting tools, electronic book readers and more. Normally, a GPS is also installed inside the telephone,with accurate satellite maps sustaining searches for any location around the globe. Meanwhile, they are also installed with digital cameras, mp3 and movie players as well as diversified electronic games. These functions are making cell phones even more entertaining. In a sense, mobile phones are not merely tools for communication, but also becoming more educational and recreational than any advanced television.
As a matter of fact, people's use of TV has been lessened due to the prosperity of the IT industry in the new era.Nowadays, the Internet is gradually taking up a dominant position formerly held by TV . Fewer and fewer modern citizens could do without going online everyday, because on the computer they can access the latest news, get connected to world-wide radio and TV programs, and watch movies or videos to their hearts' content. By contrast, watching TV is no longer a daily necessity as before. People are becoming less obsessed with the relatively lesser functions of such a traditional machine.

In sum, the mobile and diversified functions of telephones have considerably extended their impact on people's lives in the modern world. Comparatively speaking, the position of TV is no longer as important as it was in the last century.Judging from the reasons listed above, we can easily draw the conclusion that the modern telephone has greater influence than TV.


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