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Have telephone and email made communication between people less personal?



Nowadays, telephones and emails seem to be the most popular tools for people to communicate with one another.Through telephone lines or the Internet, messages can be sent back and forth with ease. Meanwhile, the fast-paced living style has reduced the frequency with which people have face-to-face conversations. Some people complain that communication between people has been made less personal. As far as I am concerned, these communication tools are not to blame.

Above all, friendship and love may be better delivered via telephone and email. We can easily imagine the possible embarrassment people may experience as they express inner feelings toward each other in face-to-face talks. In most cases, self-consciousness prevents them from revealing their internal selves directly and rashly. Careful consideration and more peaceful mental conditions are needed under such circumstances. As a matter of fact, making phone calls, sending short messages and delivering emails can be more suitable substitutes. Not much psychological pressure exists while using these communication tools. As a result, one's heart can be revealed smoothly. Meanwhile, thanks to the assistance of advanced technology, telephone and cyber contacts have been made more vivid and personalized. For instance,thoughtfully-designed flashes, music and pictures can be attached to text-based messages. They surely make communication between close friends or between lovers more effective and personal.

Furthermore, convenience of mutual contacts also helps strengthen personal communication. The fast pace of life nowadays considerably reduces people's chance to meet their friends. Therefore, in order to maintain efficient ties with them, it is a good idea to make fuller use of convenient communication tools. Needless to say, telephones and computers meet these requirements. With their help, greetings can be sent between friends as often as possible and in-depth chats or discussions can also be carried out frequently. In that case, both sides can feel that they are still being thought of by the other even if they are unable to get together in person for a while.

In fact, distances between people have been narrowed by telephones and the Internet. The world today is becoming smaller due to the prevalence of information technology. No matter where friends are, they can be reached at any time via telephone lines or cyber signals. From a certain perspective, they act as a bridge connecting people from around the globe. But for their irreplaceable functions, relationship between faraway friends would be much more difficult to keep.

In sum, it is extremely unfair to regard such useful means as a barrier that undermines personal communication. On the contrary, due to their advantageous features and the significant role they play in people's lives, mutual ties are tremendously strengthened instead of being hindered. Therefore, in order to maintain better communication with others,people should be encouraged to make full use of telephones and emails.


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发布日期:2023-02-19 | 标签: 
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