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general publie 公众


the public 大众 community  n.社区,团体


raise the puble's awareness of..



I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general public.


作文中的人称主语可选择像individual, the general public, people, human race, humanity, man, humankind,the public, the general public,主要是为了达到客观性的描述,尽量减少主观色彩。

fund n. 资金,基金,存款 vt.投资


 publicly-funded health care  公共医疗

a state-funded program    政府提供资金的项目


The govemment should fund this kind of parental support, because this is no longer a problem for individual famlies, but for the society as a whole.



govemmental authonity    政府当局

government agencies      政府机构

govemment expenditure         政府支出

govemment-sponsored program 政府发起的项目

govemment funded   program  政府资助的项目

pablicpaurse 国库,公共资金


national treasury 国库


The children should be entled to receive financial aid from public purse.


in dispute   在争论中,处于争议中


atissue    处于争议中   

in issue 处于争议中


The problem that who is responsible for paying university tuition fees has been in dispute for many years.


in the interestof   符合...



38. Investing in higher education helps establish high-quality labor force with great expentise in the future. That is the reason why virtually all developed counties allocate buge amount of national budgets on universities study.

39. Another reason for higher education's subsidization is that it gives students fom all walks of life the equal entitlement to further their education. Govenment's eants enable all the students to have the opportumity to receive the tertiary education.

Students pay the tuition fee

①If they realize they will be paying for their own schooling. they will work harder in school to get academic


②Paying for their own college promotes responsibility.

③Teaching them the value of money.


 be in the interest of whole society



A long term relationship betveen the US and China based on mutual trust, respect and benefit is undoubtedly in the interest of China, the US and indeed the world.



be sponsored by .....发起,由...承担


be supported by    由...支持

be subsidized by    由....提供经济援助

a government- sponsored scheme 政府发起的项目

a government- assisted scheme 政府资助的方案


Education and medical service are supposed to be sponsored by both government and public funds.


understandable adj. 可以理解的


understanding n. 理解: misunderstanding n误解,误会.


It is certainly very understandable that some govermments should start looking at ways of limiting their populations to a sustainable figue.



It is certainly understandable that... 可以理解的..... (主语从句)

regulate vt. 调节,规定,管理,控制


regulation n.规则,管理


 regulate the expenditure   控制开支

regulate our daily life 使日常生活规律化


In the past, populations were regulated by frequent war and widespread disease, but in recent years theeffects of those factors have been diminished.



sth is regulated by..由..-.调控 ( 被动语态)

fedestar mouth 养活额外的人口


Countries can be faced with a population that is growing much faster than the nation's food resources or employment opportunities and whose members can be condemned to povety by the need to feed exta mouths.



be faced with.. 面临,面对

be condemned to sth. .... 被责难,被诅咒

发布日期:2023-03-03 | 标签: 
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