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environment n.自然环境,生态环境


environmental adj.环境的; environmentally adv.有关环境方面; environmentalism n. 环境保护论.


ruin the environment 破坏环境

strengthen environmental protection


protect the environment from the pollution



Economic development is clearly essential for communities' livelihoods and the well-being of nations, but is often a source of harmful environmental pollution.


environmentalist n.环境论者,环保人士


He is an environmentalist with a passion of the biology and geography of the region.


pollution n.污染



R eduction   减量

Reuse   重复使用

Recycling    回收性

Regeneration   再生


pollute vt. 污染; polluted adj.受污染的; pollutant n. 污染物


contamination  n.污染,污染物


People would pay high price for the environmental pollution caused by man-made waste.



organic pollutants  有机污染物

white pollution   白色污染

water and soil erosion   水土流失

endangered wildlife   濒危野生动物

greenhouse effect   温室效应

rubbish/ garbage/ trash/ waste/ litter


chemical pollutant   化学污染物

air and noise contanmination / pollution


over-industrialization   过度工业化

deforestation    森林砍伐

the deterioration of air quality


contaminate vt. 污染


contamination n.污染,污染物; contaminant n. 污染物,致污物


pollute vt. 污染


Environmental pollutants from many different sources contaminate water, air, and land, putting humans and ecosystems at risk.



Humans are paying the price (付出代价) of these pollutants on many levels: from direct harm to health through cancer, neurological impairment (神经损害) , and other ailments ( 疾病) , to contamination of the food chain ( 污染食物链) and the failing capacity of ecosystems ( 生态系统的容纳能力减弱) to absorb wastes and provide the essentials for life. These complex and urgent problems require innovative, flexible, and action-oriented(以行动为导向) approaches to finding solutions.

alleviate vt. 减轻,缓和


alleviate burdens 减负

aleviate pressure减压


Ooe thingis for sure, fhart by using more enrgey eficient we wllbe belping to aleviate the toll on evicorweotal and humamn balth


atthe expenseof ..为代价


athecostof  ...为代价


He finished the jobo at the enpense of his halth


waste n.废物,浪费


refuse n.垃圾,废物;garbage n.垃圾,废物; rubbish n.垃圾,废物


 garbage casication 垃圾分类


Ithunk itis oue that im alumost every coumty today each househol and fmily poduces a lurge amomt of waste every week.


ecological n.生态,生态学


ecology n.生态学


ecological balance 生态平衡

ecologcal equilbiuan 生态平衡


It is mo doubot that animnals play a vital role in maintining the ecological eqilibriumn.



mainain tbhe ecolgical equlibim


ecosystem n.生态系统


There are higly sensitive and dicitaely balanced ecoysems im the forest.


worsen vi&t恶化,变得更坏


worse adj.更坏的,更差的;worsening adj. 日益题化的


derionte 恶化,变坏,恶化


the worsning apoltonn日益恶化的空气污染


Arealy lowr Iiving standards bouve ben worsened boy stingent ecomomic refoms.


estincion n.消灭,消失


extunct 灭绝的,绝种的


death n.死亡, 毁灭; destoction n.破坏,毁灭


the mass extinction of.



The plat is Dow in dnger of estinction.


sewage n污水,污物


dmainge n.排术,污水


sewage disposal污水处理


sewage teatment 污水处理

sewage uilization污水利用


This ciny Teedis a rewr sewage disposal systemn.


disposable adj. 一次性使用的n.一次性物品


dispose t.8ovi. 处理, 处置


liter cllction and disposal垃圾的回收和处理


The use of disposable products had ledto a mursed increase in tah



disposable chopsticks  一次性筷子

disposable meal boxes   一次性饭盒

throwaway chopsticks   一次性筷子

one-off chopsticks   一次性筷子

harness  vt. 利用


utilize vt.利用; make use of利用; take advantage  of  利用


harness the solar energy利用太阳能


Scientists have known how to harness the limitless power of the sun.


eliminate vt. 消除,排除


elimination n.消除,淘汰


discard vt. 抛弃,丢弃; dispose vt.&vi.



eliminate noise 消除噪声

eliminate poverty 消除贫困

eliminate illiteracy 扫盲


In line with a growing international trend on the use of plastic bags, many governments have experimented with heavy taxes, outright bans or eliminating the thinnest bags.


ruin vt. 破坏,毁掉


damage vt.&vi.损害 ,损毁; destroy vt.破坏


ruin the environment 破坏环境

in ruins 被毁灭的


Many human activities can ruin the environment and some are even irreversible.


biodegradable adj. 生物所能分解的,能进行生物降解的


degrade vt. 使....降解vi. 退化; degradable adj. 可能降解的


biodegradable garbage降解的垃圾


Biodegradable plastic as a novel material possesses a vast range of application prospect.


exhaust vt.耗尽,排出n.废气


exhausted adj. 耗尽的; exhaustion n. 枯竭,耗尽


useup用完, 耗尽; consume vt. 消耗


be exhausted 被耗尽

motor vehicle exhaust 汽车尾气排放


Motor vehicle exhaust leads partly to the greenhouse effect.


be in short supply 供应不足


shortage n. 缺乏,缺少; scarcity n. 不足,缺乏; lackof 缺乏


water shortage 水资源短缺

run out of resources 资源短缺


It is widely-accepted that water as a valuable resource is in short supply in some area.


ozone layer [气]臭氧层

[即学即用] Pollution leads to depletion of the ozone layer, global warming and climate change.


use up 用完,耗

[考官例句] Certainly nobody wants to see our resources used up and our planet poisoned by waste.


consume vt.消耗,消费


The reason why we have so much packaging is that we consume so much more on a daily basis than the

families did in the past.



The reason why... is that..


discharge vt. 使流出,放出;排出


Experts blame people's poor awareness of the harm done to marine ecology by pollutants discharged by coastal cities.


release vt.释放,发射n.释放


Air pollution is the release of chemicals and particles into the atmosphere.


enmnission n.排放,散发,发出(气体、光、热)


emit vt. 发出,散发(光、热、声音、气等)


the emission of... 排放

emission reduction 减排

carbon emission reduction 碳减排


The restriction of the number of cars can reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a large extent.


zero-emission 零排放


In addition to public transport, switching to zero-emission vehicles is another approach to control the air pollution in major cities.



所谓零排放,是指无限地减少污染物和能源排放直至到零的活动。zero-emission vehicle就是“零排放车辆”,指不排放任何有害污染物的车辆。zero-emission vehicle称为green vehicle(绿色汽车)、eco-friendly vehicle(环保汽车)、cleancar (清洁汽车)等。

energy-saving and emission-reduction



How will the city government strengthen the management of high-energy-consumption enterprises as far as

energy saving and emission reduction are concerned?


exploitation n. 开发,开采


exploit vt. 开发,开拓; overexploitation n. 过度开采


It is an unfortunate fact that many employers may prefer to use the services of children simply to save money by paying them less than adults and it is this type of exploitation that should be discouraged.



It is an unfortunate fact that...不幸的 ......

hazardous adj. (化合物)有害的


hazard vt. 使遭受危险 n. 危险


poisonous adj. 有毒的,恶毒的; dangerous adj. 危险的


hazardous material 有害物质


The situation has the potential to be hazardous, but no people, property, or environment is currently affected by this.


degradation n. 退化


degrade vt.使...降解vi.退化; degradable adj.可能降解的


environmental degradation环境恶化


Grassland degradation and desertification have become one of the prominent environmental problems in this area.


deforestation n. 森林砍伐


deforest vt. 采伐森林


afforestation n.造林


Deforestation and increased road-building are a significant concern because of increased human encroachment upon wild areas, increased resource extraction and further threats to biodiversity.



Disregard or ignorance of intrinsic value (内在规律), lax forest management ( 松散的森林管理) and deficient environmental law (不严格的环境保护法) are some of the factors that allow deforestation to occur on a large scale (大规模的森林砍伐) . In many countries, deforestation is an ongoing issue that is causing extinction (灭绝) . changes to  climatic conditions (气候条件),desertification ( 土壤沙漠化),and displacement of indigenous people (本土居民的迁移)

renewable adj.可更新的,可继续的,可再生的


renew vt.使更新


renewable energy 再生能源

non-renewable resource 不可再生资源 


A govermment-sponsored renewable energy project will be launched next month.


poseathreatto 对健康构成威胁


threaten vt. &vi. 威胁


If people still pose a threat to natural habitats, then natural resources will be depleted and environment will be degraded.


vulnerable adj.有弱点的,易受伤害的

[即学即用 ]

Everyday human activities such as cooking, heating, and transportation also produce pollutants. The poor and underprivileged are especially vulnerable.


deterioration n. 恶化,退化


deteriorate vi. 恶化,变坏vt. 恶化


amelioration n.改进,改善


deterioration of...恶化


The deterioration of the biological environment, caused by rapid economic development and population growth, has harmed the biological diversity and threatened the sustainable development.


fossil fuels 矿物燃料

[即学即用 ]

 There is a growing concern regarding the collaboration between fossil fuels and environmental pollution.


irreversible adj. 不可逆的


reverse vt. 颠倒,倒转


 irreparable adj. 不能挽回的,不能修补的


irreversible change 不可逆变化

irreversible process 不可逆过程


New economy and globalization have become an unavoidable fact and an irreversible trend.


package n.包,包裹vt.包装


Most of this rubbish comes from the packaging from the things we buy, such as processed food.


throw away 扔掉,丢弃


However, the amount of waste produced is also a result of our tendency to use something once and throw it away.



be aresultof... ....的结果 ( 因果论证句型)

dispose of  处理,解决


We also forget that it is a source of pollution and difficult to dispose of.



be a source of....是 ...的来源

put the blame on归咎于.....


It is reasonable to put the blame on the human's inadequate manmers as for the worsening environment.


blameworthy adj.该受责 备的,应受谴责的


 blameful adj.应受责备的,该受谴责的; reprehensible adj. 应斥责 的,应该谴责的; 

blamable adj.可责备的;有过失的;

culpable adj. 应受 处罚的


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