Should lands be developed?
Just as our human beings came from nature, we would return to nature sooner or later. It is self- evident that losing our natural condition means that we are building up a sepulcher for ourselves.
Nature is the original source of our food, house utilities and industries. So we cannot live without her. Sucked the nutrition from nature, we created a wonderful world. She is our mother who we always turn back on. Wise and resourceful are people to try their best to keep nature prosperous and abounded.
Many people may hold the wrong opinion that spending money in preserving nature is a big waste of money. Even though, it is tnue that we cannot see much of the retums in the near future, it is worthy in the 1long run. What is more,nature itself can make money. The beautiful 1and- scape of nature that was saved will attract many visitors. We also have many different famous places for people who came from all over the world. In fact, it is a high- profit business and will contribute to our economic in the days coming.
Taking a look at our country's qoe-state, our agrarian land is diminishing quickly. Nature areas are vanishing year by year.We are just facing a thorny way that needs us to take measurements on immediately. Thus, there is no reason to neglect the fact that there is more need for land to be left in its natural condition.
Burdening the great historical task, we cannot use up the limited source to fulfill our unbounded desires. Housing and industry but make us live a bit more comfortable now. They cannot lead us go further. We should leave what we have inherited from our ascendants to the descendants.rposes to serve: to preserve the endangered species, to educate the public about wildlife, and for its visitors to have fun. So a zoo of course is a useful place for us and we should have them.
It became obvious that we should leave land on its nature. This is proved day after day by nature revolutions like earth quacks. So we should leave natural land as it is. Whatever the need to build houses and communities it is much more important to leave nature as its first creation.
In my country Egypt we have large surfaces of natural lands, such as deserts. Normally those areas contain different types of flora that is day by day become unique, the matter which give us a red alert to be much more careful while we open and increase our new communities in desert.
By ecologist's opinion, any close system has intemal re- sources and complicated relation ships that shouldn't be affected by human action. If man try to internupt that ecosystem, mostly that will lead to the destruction of the whole system. Our govermment and many of public associations now call with leaving the mother land as it is with n0 interfering.
Some people ask the opposite under the control of the population increasing idea. But for those they need only to work out on another solution that provides good respect to natural areas. For example, in Japan now they are trying to figure out a way to build houses and industrial communities using large sea surfaces. I guess if we used such ideas we can make the hard balance between population increase and protection of natural lands from being invaded by man.
If we just think how much are natural lands so important. As it is the shelter for people who need periods of relaxation after long duration of work or ilness. As well it is a place which is purely free from pollution that person can find when he fed up with cities polluted air. It is also a great source for zoologists and botanist whom need an open field for them researches on unique animals and plants.
Under this circumstance, I guess natural land is a great treasure that we should keep and protect.