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The only way the government can conserve energy



Here on Earth, ever increasing quantities of energy are being expended daily. Of course, social development relies tremendously on the exploration and utilization of natural resources. Therefore, in order to save our planet from futher destruction while ensuring fundamental human needs are met, a balanced energy conservation plan should be developed by the govermnment. Some people hold the view that increasing the price of gasoline and electricity is the only way to solve such a dilemma. Honestly speaking, I don't consider this to be the only way to meet this objective.

First and foremost, there is every reason to emphasize the urgency in conserving energy. The rapid pace in economic development has led to unprecedented high rate of energy consumption. If such a trend continues without efficient control, most of the precious natural resources may be depleted within a short time. Thus, no longer would they be available for human needs and social development will be trapped in a crisis. Moreover, the burning of fossil fuels is a major cause of global waming which disrupts the global climate and causes sea-levels to rise. Under n0 circumstances should these shocking facts go unrecognized by the government.

With reference to raising gasoline and electricity prices, this might be a temporary approach. Admittedly, if private car owners are forced to pay more, a number of them might cautiously limit the use of cars due to the higher cost. Thus, the total amount of gasoline consumption will be reduced. The same is true with the rise of electricity prices. It will remind people of the necessity to form good habits of saving electricity in daily life. For instance, some of them may start to tun off the lights during day. However, there could be hidden problems. To illustrate, tempted by bigger profits, some oil companies might exploit more oil fields, which will introduce more environmental problems like air and water pollution.

In fact, other means of energy conservation also deserve focused attention from the government. One of these effective methods is to facilitate the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy. In this way, more energy might be conserved due to the reduction in exploitation. Besides, such renewable resources like solar power and wind are environmentally friendly and can never cause pollution. Undeniably, if more solar products are invented and manufactured for ordinary households, fewer natural resources will be consumed and pollution will be reduced at the same time. Therefore, the government should help promote the use of renewable resources so as to luse energy efficiently.

To conclude, there is still a long way to go before the issue of energy conservation is finally settled. Maybe it is a logical approach for the government to raise the price of gasoline and electricity. However, the side effects of such action should not be overlooked. Meanwhile, other methods also need to be considered. Within the official energy guidelines, every person can support energy conservation in their own way.

发布日期:2023-03-29 | 标签: 
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